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SAP CRM Online Training at Onlineitguru.com Attend TWO FREE DEMO Classes! Experience the Quality of our Training Onlineitguru.com is a Global Interactive Learning Portal started by proven industry experts with an aim to provide Quality Training in the latest IT Technologies. Onlineitguru.com has a pool of Expert Trainers worldwide on all the technologies to train the students. Onlineitguru.com is offering Training services to Major IT giants and to individual students worldwide. About Our faculty: we have excellent SAP CRM instructor who have real time experience plus expert orientation in Online Training. We offer you:  Interactive Learning at Learner s convenience  Industry Savvy Trainers  Learn Right From Your Place  Customized Curriculum  24/7 Lab Facility  Highly Affordable Courses  Support after Training 1) Resume Preparation 2) Certification Guidance 3) Interview assistance We have a forthcoming online batch on SAP CRM We also provide online training on Informatica, Data Stage, SAS, Share point, SAP All Modules, web Methods, TIBCO, QTP. Visit: www.onlineitguru.com Contact us: contactus@onlineitguru.com Skype: onlineitguru@gmail.com Gmail: onlineitguru@gmail.com USA: + 1 732 703 9066 INDIA: 91-9885991924 for career advice